Laser Dentistry in Claremont

Improve The Health And Look Of Your Smile With The Soft Tissue Laser

Laser dentistry is a field of dentistry utilising laser technology to perform various dental procedures. At Ashton Avenue Dental, our dentists offer premium dental treatments using the latest technology to ensure patient comfort and care.

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How does Laser Dentistry work?

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Laser dentistry uses highly focused beams of light energy to remove or reshape soft-tissue, or to remove tooth decay. The laser energy is delivered to the target area through a small handpiece, which is controlled by the dentist.

The highly focused laser beam vaporises soft tissue with high water content. When the laser beam is highly focused, it is able to make small and precise incisions. Conversely, when the beam is defocused, the intensity diminishes, and it can be used for the cauterization of small blood vessels and lymphatics, thereby decreasing postoperative swellings.

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry offers a modern solution to more complex dental procedures, and offers a number of benefits.

Gentle and Precise

Soft-tissue laser surgery offers a gentle and precise alternative to traditional methods such as electrosurgery and manual scalpel use. 

Low Heat

The laser generates very little heat which is ideal for giving implants a longer life.

Pacemaker Friendly

Unlike many electrosurgery units, the laser can safely be used for patients that have a pacemaker.

Quick and Comfortable Healing

During the surgery, the tissue is able to separate gently and easily, blood loss is minimal, and there is limited swelling after the operation. No sutures required!

Less painful

Soft tissue laser has been shown to reduce post-operative pain and faster, more efficient surgeries.

Overall Efficiency

Not only are the procedures and healing more efficient, laser dentistry removes the need for multiple follow up appointments such as suture removal.

A soft tissue laser is a versatile tool with a number of uses including:

Laser Dentistry
Laser Dentistry

For laser dentistry, Ashton Avenue Dental Practice uses the soft tissue laser tool for various dental treatments. Book an appointment today to consult your required treatment options with our Claremont dentists.